1/6 scale vinyl

by RossWaddell

Holy Toast, Batman, was this kit fun to paint !
I really love the outlandish colors on this kit.
 It's one of the few characters where gaudy is great !
The pinstripes on his pants were a little daunting,
but it came out OK in the end.
Note: I covered his eyes with epoxy in the hopes
of making them more glass-like
(bulging in the center to give them some depth),
which worked somewhat, but over time the epoxy
has yellowed a lot.
 This isn't so bad for a character like the Joker,
but I did the same thing to my Geometric Picard
and now he looks jaundiced!

1/6 scale vinyl

by RossWaddell

This kit was painted with Ral Partha,
Floquil PolyScale and Liquitex paints.
I made a glaze/stain from Liquitex Gel Medium
and Burnt Umber for his scales.
It really made them pop out.
I added some brass sheet strips to the
underside of his glider to make it more rigid,
and modified the pedals somewhat
(Although that had the unwanted side
effect of making him a little wobbly).
This was the most fun building and
painting a kit I've had (Next to the Joker)!